Sub-ether News July Archive
17/07/98 Earth Standard Time
A lot has happened to Lambda since the last news posting. The latest working
version is 20.81 and it has become far removed from the last public release demo. Here
listed are some of the major additions:
- Preliminary AI for friendly and enemy fighters - obstacle avoidance, navigation and
combat intellegence.
- New effects - Lambda sports many new graphical effects for weapons, explosions,
HUDs etc - to the extent that the last public demo looks as featureless as a marble brick
- AHI support! Yes at last we have sound effects, although the effects themselves are
temporary, they are available in 16-bit for sound card owners, and regular 8-bit for Paula.
Full AHI surround support is included, stereo panning, distance fading. Multichannel
support with provision for many fx layers and additional stereo incidental music layers (if
- A squadron of new ships - fighters thru freighters.
- Finally, general coding enhancements for better speed and flexibility
PPC Version!
Lambda has been successfully ported to the PPC - It has been tested on a Cyberstorm
604e/200 060/50 and a Blizzard 603e/160 040/25 - Initial speed estimates for the Cyberstorm
are in excess of 70fps.
However, this was not sufficient to impress any member of the Command Crew into
continuing PPC development. Suffice to say that it works, a port is theoretically possible
and will only be implemented if there is a clearer picture as to the future of the Amiga PPC.
Please no emails concerning this matter, if you wish for a Lambda PPC version, then mail
Phase5 and Amiga Inc and request that they lift the noxious green fog surrounding current
PPC development. ;)